Mega Millions Number Generator

Use the Mega Millions number generator to create your own random line to enter into upcoming draws. All you need to do is hit the ‘Generate’ button and a set of five main numbers plus one Mega Ball number will be produced in moments. If you’re not happy with the first line of numbers that you are given, press ‘Generate’ again and another set will appear.

Next Jackpot TBC
Time Remaining
    Pick Numbers
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?

    If you’re looking to play more than one set of numbers, just choose how many lines you want from the dropdown box – up to a maximum of four – and hit the smaller ‘Generate’ button alongside it. Again, if you don’t like the numbers you’re given, just repeat the process until you have some you want to play.

    Generate another set(s) of numbers