Lotto Android App

Want to know everything happening in the world of lotteries whilst you are out and about? Download the Lotto App for Android to your smartphone now for free! All you need to do to get hold of this fantastic app is touch the Free Download button or use your smartphone to scan the QR code.
Download the Lotto app for Android now by pressing the Free Download button or scanning the QR code.

The App for Android’s features include:
- Results from Worldwide Lotto Games - Find out if you have won a huge lotto jackpot whether you are in the bath, on the bus or at your desk. All of the latest results from the world’s most popular lotteries are at your fingertips, so you can easily check to see if you have just become rich beyond your wildest dreams.
- Personalisation - The app provides information on lotteries from around the world so multiple language and currency options are available. You can also choose which lotteries to display based on which ones you like to play. It’s easy to add and take them away too if you change your mind about where you want to go in search of that big win.
- Speedy Results - Lotto results are updated on this app shortly after the draws have taken place, providing one of the most up-to-date sources of lottery information available.
- Detailed Draw Information - You can find out all about the last four draws in any given lottery, including the results, the number of prize winners and the amount that they won.
- Number Generator - Take the pressure off yourself - let the app carry the burden of picking your numbers whilst ensuring a truly random selection.
- Results Checker - If you have a few draws to check, then simply enter your numbers and let the app search back through them to see if you are a winner.
If you would like all of that lottery power in your pocket, download the Lotto App for Android for FREE now and never miss out on an important lotto draw again.